Eligibility: A graduating senior living within the District #108

A graduating senior living within the District #108 boundaries who either works for a
Norwood Young America Area Chamber member or one of their parents are employed
by a Chamber Member Business. Please list the business name, contact person and
phone or email address. Qualifying applicants must be pursuing a post-secondary
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________
Qualifying Business Partner:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________ Email Address _______________________________
Application Notes:
The amount of scholarship is up to $1000.
The scholarship winner will be informed at the District #108 awards ceremony on in May.
The scholarship winner will receive the monetary award after presenting the NYA Area Chamber
their transcript showing the successful completion of their first semester or quarter of school
with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
The check will be payable directly to the school the scholarship winner is attending.
If no student adequately demonstrates the selection criteria, the Chamber may choose not to
award a scholarship.
Application Rules:
Application must be typewritten.
Please give a complete response to each question below.
Please give your responses on a separate sheet, not on the application itself.
All completed applications will be picked up at the Counselor’s office on April 15, 2015.
Describe the one thing that you feel is your greatest accomplishment in the last three years.
Describe your work experience in the past two years.
Detail any community volunteering (without pay) you have you done in the last three years.
List the school activities you have participated in the last three years.
What school do you plan to attend and what field of study do you wish to pursue?
Has anyone or anything inspired or encouraged you to pursue this field?
Once you have finished your educational goals, do you have any interest in starting or running
your own business?
8. Would you be interested in pursuing your career in your Hometown Community?