
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 – Tom Steves Community Room
Faculty Senate Members Present: Olivia Powers, Chair; Bob Glidewell, Recorder; Jordan
O’Roark, Laura Govia, Jim Porter, John Marshall and William Ginocchio Absent: Michelle
Faculty At-Large Members Present: Traci Johnston, Mike Dahly, Linda Ducort, Barry
McVinney, Carla Moody, and Billy Parchman Absent: Ann Fellinger
Deans Present: Rhonda Carroll, Pam Cicirello, Christy Sherrill, Todd Gold, Joey Cole, and Mike
Sneed Absent: Ben Rains
Administrators Present: Nykela Jackson, Jason Green, Jasmine Ray, Wendy Davis, and
Catherine DiVito Absent: David Durr, Lavonne Juhl
Also present: Mary Ann Shope, Vice President of Learning and Liaison to President’s Executive
Council (PEC). Guests: Amanda Coleman, Terry Hunkapillar, Laura Sue Stewart, Howard
Nesmith, Benjamin Peacock
1. The meeting was called to order by Olivia Powers at 2:00 PM. She welcomed the committee
and advised that two new committee members have been added: Vicki McDonald, Student
Representative and Sam Davis, Staff-at Large Representative, both of whom were absent.
The Chair added Jasmine Ray to the Agenda with a report on Electronic Course Evaluations. The
Agenda was approved as amended upon Motion and Second.
2. Minutes of the October 9, 2013 meeting were approved as submitted.
3. Mary Ann Shope and Jasmine Ray reported that the Decision Making Model was endorsed by
the Board of Trustees and approved by the President as the current model. Laura Govia advised
that an alternate Model was being prepared and Jim Porter advised that Faculty Senate had made
suggestions to Dr. DeLong at the previous Faculty Senate which were still under consideration
for amendments to the Model. A motion to table the model failed for lack of a second and no
formal motion to approve was deemed necessary.
4. The proposed Charter of the AASC, as amended in the October AASC meeting, had been
approved by Quality Council with the additions of the Student representative and the Staff-at
Large representative. Quality Council would also be adopting a standardized format for all
Committee and Sub-Committee charters. The Revision date of the amended charter was to reflect
the date of 11/11/13. A motion to accept the approved Charter, as amended, was Seconded and
5. Item 5, Review of Academic Affairs Forms was deferred and replaced by a report by Jasmine
Ray. Jasmine reported that Electronic Course Evaluations by students would be instituted on
11/14/13 and that all instructors would receive instructions to advise students in all classes, oncampus and online, for completion of the evaluations for Fall Semester, 2013.
6. The following Academic Proposals were immediately entertained by the AASC as the
Academic Programs Sub-Committee is yet to be fully seated.
a. FA13-824 – Modify Technical Certificate in Pre-Health Care Studies to meet ADHE
guidelines by increasing Clock Hours to 600. Additional hours of 5-7 courses will be
selected from a proposed list of Elective Courses equal to 20 additional course credit
hours being added to the Technical Certificate Program bringing the total to 34 credit
hours. Restructure of program will allow for Financial Aid qualification. APPROVED
b. FA13-825 Add Prior Learning Assessment Policy – PTC will adopt a policy which
will allow for learning from work experience to equal college level coursework upon
demonstrable alignment of work experience with college courses. Participation will be
voluntary between and among divisions and programs upon policy compliance.
c. FA13-822 – New Course Proposal – Component Refurbishing and Installation - AST
1206 – Automotive Department. The new course will be a combination of two existing
courses: AST 1203 – Component Refurbishing and Installation and TRT 1203 Parts
Identification and Nomenclature to alleviate advising errors and to facilitate course
curriculum progress. APPROVED
d. FA13- 823 – New Course Proposal – Photonics I – Fundamentals of Lights and Lasers
and Photonics II – Fundamentals of Lights and Lasers II. Courses created after request of
Photonics Industry Alliance which is comprised of approximately 20 manufacturers and
users of Lights and Lasers and other photonic devices. The Alliance expects
approximately 50-60 openings for entry level photonic technician to occur annually in
Arkansas for those with associate level degrees. Currently no other Arkansas technical
school or college offers such training. APPROVED pending receipt of documentation
for Photonics II.
7. Student Success Committee Report
a. Need for PTC Attendance Policy – Deferred
b. Need for basic Computer Class – Rhonda Carroll reported that a placement exam for
enrollment into Online Courses would be available in Spring of 2014. Christy Sherrill
reported that a possible revision of the existing Computer Concepts course or a new
developmental course in computers is being investigated with Rhonda Carroll.
c. Need for financial aid information for students and faculty – Deferred
d. Need for faculty input into “Progression” phase of Student Success Plan. Mary Ann
Shope explained that the Student Success Plan consists of four phases: Connection
(exposure to the college; Entry (enrollment in the college); Progression (course
completion) and Completion (graduation). Emphasis was made that faculty must be more
involved in the Progression Phase and investigation into options for involvement would
8. Mary Ann Shope reported that the development of an Academic Master Plan would begin with
the Academic Planning Sub-Committee which is presently being seated. It is expected that initial
emphasis will be on the Technical and Industrial education with following emphasis on the
“University Studies” education.
9. Sub-Committee/Working Groups reports
a. Academic Assessment Committee – Nykela Jackson reported that a Comprehensive
Plan developed after meetings with all Divisions had resulted in a draft of 7 themes for
student learning outcomes and that final themes were expected by 11/30/13. She further
offered the Academic Assessment Committee Draft Charter. Upon Motion and Second
the Charter was approved with technical corrections.
b. Distance Education Committee – Jason Green reported that the Due Diligence survey
for Learning Management Systems had been mailed this week. He further reported that
QOCI Assessment meeting had been held for assessing online courses. Finally he offered
the Distance Learning Committee Draft Charter. Upon Motion and Second the Charter
was approved with technical corrections.
10. Report on past activities of AQIP – Deferred
11. Report on Associate of General Studies Degree – Pam Cicirello reported that the Degree was
approved five years ago by the Academic Affairs Committee and the ADHE but was never
finalized with approval from the HLC. The Degree is to be a 60 credit hour Associates degree to
be specifically built for a pre-health care student or a general studies student upon detailed
advising. Upon final approval the Degree will be available for financial aid but not fully
transferrable. The degree will allow PTC to capture and classify many “undecided” students as
well as students who seek future health care studies at local medical schools.
12. Suggestions for the AASC from Faculty
a. Textbook Policy – PTC needs to adopt a textbook policy in accordance with Arkansas
Code provisions adopted in 2007 regarding conflicts of interest with royalties and
committees assigned to adopt textbooks. The issue will be referred to the Academic
Operations Sub-Committee.
a. Syllabus Template – Laura Govia introduced a new modular and streamlined syllabus
template consistent with ADHE regulations and PTC policies for consideration which
will be referred to the Academic Operation Sub-Committee.
13. Todd Gold reported that the Culinary Advisory Board has added Phyllis Carr, Manager of
Patient Nutrition at Arkansas Heart Hospital as an advisor.
14. Plus/Delta Comments: All deferred matters of this meeting will be rescheduled in future
15. Upon Motion and Second the meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:50 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert J. “Bob” Glidewell