October 7, 2015

Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting
Attendance: Kelli, Loren, Rick, Kevin T, Ron, Pat, Jessica
9:30 am
1. Current Projects
a. Vangstad
i. We have a schedule and the completion date is projected to be 11/30.
1. Wesley is working with the budget and sorting out where we are.
2. There are concerns with IT budget and equipment that will need to be
discussed with IT and Facilities.
ii. Electrical is 99% complete.
iii. Mechanical is 90% complete.
iv. Keys and locks will be ready by the completion date. Ron would like cores to be
installed in the basement as areas are completed- the actual BEST cores will be
installed as soon as they are received.
v. The curtains are being cleaned in Jamestown and are in usable condition. There
still needs to be conversation about where we are going with this.
vi. Many lights in the auditorium don’t have power to them. Power House checked
on them yesterday- that will be discussed to be fixed.
b. Flood Wall
i. The street will be paved next week and done by the 16th. Curb being put in and
done by the 21st at which time we can open our lots.
ii. We will know more after the construction meeting next Tuesday.
iii. Viking Drive is making good progress- ready to backfill next week.
c. Wellness Center
i. The pre-cast walls should be here any day. Still trying to complete the project
by the end of next summer.
d. Heat Plant
i. The footprint change hasn’t been officially approved- it has just been proposed.
There should be no issue getting approval.
ii. 3 out of 4 houses have been closed on. Asbestos survey will need to be done
once all houses are purchased. Demo will need to go out to bid- Ron will see if
the City will waive the dump fees (up to $1000/house).
iii. The City will be burying the electrical line- some of the funding will come from
the Heat Plant Project- rest will be picked up by the City
iv. Still working on moving the fiber, sewer, etc. Trees will need to be removed.
Soil tests need to be done.
v. Ground-breaking done in late spring (April or May).
vi. We will start buying equipment because the lead time can be extensive and we
want to make sure we have everything when needed. Working with McGough
to sell existing equipment and put the money back in to our budget.
vii. Interior design is complete- waiting on exterior design (should be coming soon).
Civil, mechanical, electrical, and architectural designs are already in progress.
e. Housing
i. Still working on 614- carpet and tile was finished yesterday. Shower installed.
1. Rick will finish painting tomorrow and he will be done.
ii. Pat will check with Drew about the smell on 1st floor Robertson bathroom.
iii. Pat will follow up with Stephanie about the hole in the wall on 2nd floor McCoythere is supposed to be an upgrade summer of 2016 and that is why the current
hole is still there.
Future Projects
a. Projects ON HOLD
i. Field House Training Room Accreditation (December 10, 2015- start date)
ii. Back Alley
1. Paving will potentially be done the end of next week or beginning of the
following week. If this gets completed we will be able to get Enterprise
here to put in the posts and the shelter put up.
iii. Field House Addition
iv. Student Center Upper Lounge (Summer ’16)
v. McCoy Guest Suite
vi. Circle Hall Interior
vii. Fine Arts Building (funding).
a. RRVVCB performance on Thursday in Graichen. Floor coverings may need to be put
down- Kelli and Pat will discuss and work with Adam on the timeline.
b. Ployhar is Friday and Saturday in Graichen- the floor coverings will need to be put down.
c. THANK YOU all for everything you helped with last week. I (Kelli) couldn’t have made it
all happen without your help. I really appreciate it!!!
a. One-time security funding
i. Jessica is working on a document with concerns on door access. Will be waiting
until after the security meeting in November- open the discussion to more
ii. Card access in Rhoades
a. Working with space data, App testing, and SOWs.
Building Services
a. Vacancy Updates
i. The individuals were recommended today so once the evening position is filled,
changes will be made. We are very close to having them all filled.
a. Kevin T’s truck is due to be switched out in Fargo. Jessica will send the paperwork via
email to Kevin and Drew.
Power House
a. #3 boiler is ready to go for heat whenever they get the go ahead. A pump will be
installed at the Field House soon.
a. Staff Senate Rep
i. Kevin Knight will be the new rep for Staff Senate- thank you Kevin for your
willingness to participate.
b. Inauguration- Pat
i. An email was sent out before inauguration- it was not meant to belittle anyone
or to treat people in a negative way. It was just an informative direction of the
events for the day. The same message (worded more indirectly) was sent to all
of campus as well, this was not just specific for Facilities. It was GREAT to see as
much participation at the event as we had. I would have loved to see the entire
department there, of course, but thank you to those that did participate.