Lesson Plan for SESSION 5

WALT – We are learning to:
 identify the symptoms of a someone who is choking
 understand the stages of the Heimlich manoeuvre
 to carry out the Heimlich manoeuvre.
WILF – What I’m looking for:
Students should be able to:
 explain what First Aid is
 recognize that somebody is choking
 identify the stages of the Heimlich manoeuvre
 use the manoeuvre to aid a person who is choking
TIB – This is because
everyone should learn basic First Aid techniques. Students might
need them in any setting - at home, at work, at school or on
holiday. Whether it is a minor situation or something more serious,
First Aid knowledge will give students the confidence to act.
General advice to carry out the activities
The PPT presentation contains some links to webs so an Internet
connection is essential. Otherwise, videos should be downloaded prior to
the lesson.
Heimlich Manoeuvre Flashcards need to be printed prior to use.
Physical resources
Language resources
Computer and OHP
Language of learning
with speakers
First Aid, choking victim, the Heimlich
Manoeuvre, victim, rescuer, throat,
Internet connection
inability, speak, breathe, back blows,
abdominal thrusts, dislodge, fist, thumb,
PPT First Aid
grasp, inward, upward, cough up,
Language for learning
How to save a choking
Describing a sequence of events:
First, then, next, finally.
Language through learning
Any kind of language that might come up
Heimlich Flashcards
during the lesson.
Activity 1 (10 min.)
Begin the session showing slides 1 to 6 of PPT What is First Aid? About
the meaning of First Aid and then Slides 7-14 about the Heimlich
Manoeuvre about how to identify a person who is choking and use the
Heimlich Manoeuvre to save the victim.
Activity 2 (5 min.)
Students watch Video 1 How to save a choking victim, which explains the
how to carry out the Heimlich Manoeuvre.
Activity 3 (15min.)
Heimlich Manoeuvre relay. In groups of five or six, students are given an
envelope with Heimlich Manoeuvre Flashcards. They must identify the
specific stages of the Heimlich Manoeuvre, after which they do a relay,
putting the flashcards in the correct order. If an answer is wrong, the
student must go back to the beginning. The team that comes first and
carries out the Heimlich Manoeuvre correctly is the winner.
Activity 4 (20min).
A hypothetical situation of a choking victim. In groups of six, students
take it in turns to role-play being the victim, the rescuer and a feedback
monitor. The feedback monitor should say whether the victim would
survive and if not, why not.
Activity 5 (5 min.) Red Light Green Light
Prior to the activity, the teacher prepares a list of the stages to be carried
out in order to save a person who is choking - statements that can be
replied to with a "true" or "false" answer. For example: "To treat a
choking victim, you will sit him/her down. True or False?”
Students stand in a line side-by-side, with the goal of making it to the
opposite end of the playing field or race area. As the teacher reads out
the statements, a player takes three steps forward if she believes the
answer is "true." If she thinks the answer is "false," she does not move.
If a student gets an answer wrong, he/she must go back to the beginning.