Medical Terminology Syllabus - Anoka

TEACHER: Emily Bedsted
Course Description
This course will is designed to teach the basics of medical terminology. Students will learn root
words, prefixes, and suffixes that build thousands of medical words. Upon successful completion of
the course, you may receive Tech Prep credit in Medical Terminology at Anoka Hennepin or St.
Cloud Technical College.
The course is the organized in nine units. Each unit will focus on various body systems and the
terminology and health/medical careers that directly relate to the area of study.
Gylys. Barbara. (1998). MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY SIMPLIFIED, 3rd edition. Philadelphia.
PA, F.A. Davis.
Learning Targets
Identify the organs and structures of the body systems.
Define the word roots and combing forms used to describe the organs and structures.
Define suffixes and prefixes in medical words.
Build and analyze thousands of medical words.
Understand the meaning of new medical words by defining the elements.
Master pronunciation and spelling of medical terms.
Identify abbreviations used in medical charting.
Use medical abbreviations as a form of communication.
Interpret case studies from medical terms.
Explore a variety of medical careers.
Identify behaviors of professionalism.
Evaluation / Assessment
 Professionalism: attendance, conduct, homework checks, and participation--3 points per class
session. Points will be deducted for being tardy, disruptive, etc. You can make up your points
in the event of an excused absence. When a student receives a behavioral referral to the office
they will lose the week’s participation points. (Cell phone, swearing, bad attitude, etc)
 Homework: You will have assignments involving course material. You will have class time
to work on your assignments. If you misuse your time it turns into homework.
 Flashcards—3 X 5 index cards are required for all abbreviations and medical terms.
 Examinations: Abbreviation and diagram quizzes for each unit along with unit tests.
 Late assignments will decrease your total points. All unit assignments are due on or before
test day. It is your responsibility to check in after an absence and collect assignments.
Class Expectations
1. Come to class with a positive attitude to learn!
2. Expect all school policies to be enforced.
3. No cell phones, no exceptions.
4. No food or beverage in the classroom with the exception of water bottles.
5. Parents will be notified and a referral will be sent if you are tardy to class.
6. Hall passes are very limited. Use the restroom between classes.
7. Textbooks can be checked out as needed.
8. Students not taking a test on the original date must make it up on Thursdays before or after
school. Before school sessions begin at 7:15, after school sessions begin at 2:30.
9. A seating chart will be constructed according to student choice on day two of the semester. It
will be changed as needed according to teacher discretion.
10. Attendance, conduct, homework, professionalism, and participation--3 points per class session.
Points will be deducted for being tardy. Points will be deducted if student is disruptive or
disrespectful. No points will be awarded during an absence; however you can make up these
points if the absence is excused. Electronic violations and behavioral referrals result in one week
of lost participation points
11. We have the opportunity to have fun while learning! Embrace this! I am here to help you,
I want to help you, but you need to behave in a manner that that supports our learning
Extra Credit
There will be various opportunities throughout the semester to receive extra credit. Students must
complete regular assignments, be a contributing member of our classroom, and be free from
behavioral referrals in order to qualify for extra credit.
Tech Prep
Any student scoring an average of a 80% for all Unit Tests is eligible for Tech-Prep. Tech-Prep is
Technical College credits given for Medical Terminology (2credits) when a student has proven that
she/he can successfully complete the course an 80% average on exams and an 80% or higher on the
Students are encouraged to share either personal or family health related experiences if they are
comfortable doing so. They are appropriate for the types of discussions which we will be having in
this class. The sharing of this type of information will greatly enhance the group’s learning
opportunities. Students must respect the sensitive and private aspect of this information and keep it
Evaluation of Learning
The course outcomes are converted to points/percentages and to grades. The grades will be:
below 60%