Civil War Slang

Civil War Slang
Match the Following Civil War Slang Words with their definitions
Tend to the Inner Ear
Bushwacker Big Bugs
Dog Fall
Gobble Up
Coffee Coolers
Jolly Tar
Flyblown Meat
Acoustic Shadow
Fresh Fish
Harper’s Weekly
Long Roll
Company Q
Hot Stuff
1) ____________________________ An atmospheric phenomena in which men close to the fighting will be
“shadowed” from the sounds of fighting, yet men 10 miles away will hear the battle just clearly
2) ____________________________ To Eat
3) ____________________________ Union Soldier
4) ____________________________ Guerilla Soldier
5) ____________________________ Worthless Soldiers
____________________________ Important people, especially superior officers
7) ____________________________ A fictitious outfit for cowards and noncombatants
8) ____________________________ A derogatory term among northerners for southern sympathizers,
especially “Peace Democrats
9) ____________________________ A Battle
10) ____________________________ A mounted infantryman. A soldier who rides to battle but dismounts to
11) ____________________________ To search for food across the countryside
12) ____________________________ Meat infested with maggots
13) ____________________________ New Recruits
14) ____________________________ To defeat the enemy badly, to whip them
15) ____________________________ Peanuts
16) ____________________________ One of the most widely read illustrated papers of the war. It sold for 5
cents a copy and featured woodcut images and maps of the war
17) ____________________________ Liquor
18) ____________________________ A short heavy cannon designed to lob a large shell a short distance
19) ____________________________ The long drum roll to call men for battle
20) ____________________________ A Sailor
Civil War Slang
Match the Following Civil War Slang Words with their definitions
Tend to the Inner Ear
Bushwacker Big Bugs
Dog Fall
Gobble Up
Coffee Coolers
Jolly Tar
Flyblown Meat
Dog Fall
Acoustic Shadow
Fresh Fish
Harper’s Weekly
Long Roll
Company Q
1) ____________________________ An atmospheric phenomena in which men close to the fighting will be
“shadowed” from the sounds of fighting, yet men 10 miles away will hear the battle just clearly (Acoustic
2) ____________________________ To Eat (Tend to the Inner Ear)
3) ____________________________ Union Soldier (Blue Coat)
4) ____________________________ Guerilla Soldier (Bushwacker)
5) ____________________________ Worthless Soldiers (Coffee Coolers)
____________________________ Important people, especially superior officers (Big Bugs)
7) ____________________________ A fictitious outfit for cowards and noncombatants (Company Q)
8) ____________________________ A derogatory term among northerners for southern sympathizers,
especially “Peace Democrats (Copperheads)
9) ____________________________ A Battle (dog fall)
10) ____________________________ A mounted infantryman. A soldier who rides to battle but dismounts to
fight (Dragoon)
11) ____________________________ To search for food across the countryside (forage)
12) ____________________________ Meat infested with maggots (flyblown meat)
13) ____________________________ New Recruits (fresh fish)
14) ____________________________ To defeat the enemy badly, to whip them (gobble up)
15) ____________________________ Peanuts (Goober)
16) ____________________________ One of the most widely read illustrated papers of the war. It sold for 5
cents a copy and featured woodcut images and maps of the war (Harper’s Weekly)
17) ____________________________ Liquor (Hot stuff)
18) ____________________________ A short heavy cannon designed to lob a large shell a short distance
19) ____________________________ The long drum roll to call men for battle (long roll)
20) ____________________________ A Sailor (Jolly Tar)