“No Gumption” Double

“Amigo Brothers” Note-taking Guide
Textual Evidence
What I Read/What I Inferred
1. Reading Skill- Make Inferences
An inference is a logical guess about unstated
The boys are disciplined, determined, and wellinformed about boxing.
What can you infer about the boys based on their
dedication to boxing?
2. Literary Analysis- Conflict and Resolution
A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces.
There are two kinds of conflict: internal and
The two friends must fight against each other in
the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament.
What external conflict is introduced in this part
of the story?
3. Reading Check
What dream do Antonio and Felix share?
They dream of being light-weight champion of the
4. Reading Skill-Make Inferences
What do the details in this conversation suggest
about the boys’ relationship?
The boys are such close friends that they are
almost like family.
5. Literary Analysis- Conflict and Resolution
An internal conflict takes place when a character
They each must overcome the temptation to let
is struggling to overcome opposing feelings, beliefs, their friendship stand in the way of their fight
needs, or desires.
and their desire to be the champion.
What internal conflict do Tony and Felix each face
before the fight?
6. Reading Check
What deal do Antonio and Felix reach about their
training period before the fight?
Antonio and Felix agree not to see each other
during their training period.
7. Literature in Context
Why do you think the author uses Spanish words in
this story?
The author uses Spanish words because Felix and
Antonio live in a Puerto Rican neighborhood where
many people’s first language is Spanish.
8. Reading Skill- Make Inferences
What does Antonio’s wave from the dressing room
suggest about his feelings for Felix?
The wave suggests that Antonio still regards Felix
as his friend, even though they will be opponents
in the ring.
9. Reading Check
Why are so many people in the neighborhood
interested in watching the fight?
People are interested in watching the fight
because both boys grew up there and have many
friends there.
10. Reading Skill- Make Inferences
What do their actions here tell you about Felix and
Antonio as boxers?
The boys respect the art of boxing. They play by
the rules and are good sports.
11. Reading Check
Why can’t the fight be a tie?
There are no draws in elimination bouts.
12. Literary Analysis- Conflict and Resolution
How does the author increase the external
conflict (build suspense)?
The author increases the external conflict by
suggesting that Felix could be faking injury and
waiting to knock out Antonio the instant Antonio
moves in closer.
13. Reading Skill- Make Inferences
What can you infer from the fact that Felix
is groggy and glad to sit down?
Do you think Felix is ready to give up?
Felix is exhausted and may not be able to fight
much longer.
14. Reading Check
Who falls to the mat first?