The New Jersey Imperative - New Jersey Nursing Initiative

The New Jersey Imperative
Maria Brennan, MSN, RN, CPHQ
Vice President, CNO for Patient Care Services
January 25, 2013
Inspired care.
New Jersey’s
Transformational Nursing Leaders
Academe and Practice - Collaborating Partners
Nursing Engagement & Empowerment: active participation in
legislative state and national committees/task forces
Clarifying and expanding Nursing’s role in healthcare:
educators, preceptors, navigators, mentors, coaches,
Leading the teams through healthcare reform with fiscal
responsibility & accountability: Nurse-driven initiatives within
value-based purchasing reimbursement system
Ensuring patient quality outcomes
The information in this document is protected by the privilege of self-analysis and the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982 42 U.S.C. 1320c3 et seq., The Health Care Quality Improvement Act 42 U.S.C. 11101, et seq., N.J.S.A. 2A: 84A-22.8 and Hospital Policy. This document and the
information contained herein, is strictly confidential, and may not be disclosed or distributed to any person or entity outside of the peer
review or utilization review process, except as otherwise provided by law. Rev. 5-7-10
Academe & Practice Expertise
• Evidence-based practice
• Research
• Clinical & theoretical education
• Strategic planning to meet fiscal and quality goals
• Ensuring regulatory compliance & reimbursement
• Structure/process development for positive patient
The information in this document is protected by the privilege of self-analysis and the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982 42 U.S.C. 1320c3 et seq., The Health Care Quality Improvement Act 42 U.S.C. 11101, et seq., N.J.S.A. 2A: 84A-22.8 and Hospital Policy. This document and the
information contained herein, is strictly confidential, and may not be disclosed or distributed to any person or entity outside of the peer
review or utilization review process, except as otherwise provided by law. Rev. 5-7-10
Working Together to Inform & Advance
Nursing Profession
• Nursing as a practice profession requires both
practice experts and education experts to
expand the scientific basis for patient care to
work together
• New Jersey Nurse Experts taking the lead in
bridging the gap and identifying opportunities for
nurses to lead healthcare reform
The information in this document is protected by the privilege of self-analysis and the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982 42 U.S.C. 1320c3 et seq., The Health Care Quality Improvement Act 42 U.S.C. 11101, et seq., N.J.S.A. 2A: 84A-22.8 and Hospital Policy. This document and the
information contained herein, is strictly confidential, and may not be disclosed or distributed to any person or entity outside of the peer
review or utilization review process, except as otherwise provided by law. Rev. 5-7-10
NJ Nursing Organizations
• NJ-Organization of Nurse Executives
Advocacy role in working with legislation lobbying for BSN in 10
and removing the APN collaborating agreement
• Tri-Council for Nursing
Coming together to speak with one voice to move Nursing
• New Jersey Council of Magnet Organizations
Partnering for conducting research and establishing EBP models
• Collaborating Center for Nursing
Addressing workforce issues and sharing “best practices” for
implementing IOM recommendations
The information in this document is protected by the privilege of self-analysis and the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982 42 U.S.C. 1320c3 et seq., The Health Care Quality Improvement Act 42 U.S.C. 11101, et seq., N.J.S.A. 2A: 84A-22.8 and Hospital Policy. This document and the
information contained herein, is strictly confidential, and may not be disclosed or distributed to any person or entity outside of the peer
review or utilization review process, except as otherwise provided by law. Rev. 5-7-10