Statistical machine learning and its application to neonatal seizure

Statistics Seminar Series 2009-10
Statistical machine learning and its
application to neonatal seizure
Dr. Andrey Temko,
Neonatal Brain Research Group,
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Venue and time:
Western Gateway (IT) Building, G16
Mon 19th October 4-5pm
Recent work on statistical machine learning has shown the advantages of discriminative
classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) in a range of applications, including
seizure detection. In this talk, basics of an SVM classifier will be given followed by
description of the SVM-based neonatal seizure detector developed at UCC. An
alternative developed at UCC which is based on Gaussian mixture model classifier will
be also described and the comparison of performance between systems based on
discriminative SVM and generative GMM classifiers will be proposed.