GEOSC 40 Field / Research Assignment #2

GEOSC 40 (S06)
Extra Credit Options
GEOSC 40 (S06)
Extra Credit Assignments (4% maximum)
“The Sea Around Us” Book Review
Costs and Directions:
If you don’t have luck getting a copy of Rachel Carson’s “The Sea Around Us” from a Penn State
Library, then try finding a used copy at or
Assignment Expectations:
I’d like a 6 page essay (double spaced; 12 pt Times Roman font) that includes the following: A brief
overview of the books contents; some focused discussion on two subject areas that she expressed
concern about; your perspective on how we have (or have not) addressed these issues over the past 50
years; and your overall opinion/feelings about the state of our marine environments today. I expect
you to perform some literature and/or internet research to given examples of today’s efforts or
legislation that address her concerns and document your beliefs on the progress, or lack of progress, in
managing human activities that impact marine ecosystems.
National Aquarium in Baltimore (NAB) Tour
Suggestion for your trip to NAB:
Go to the NAB’s homepage for this information ( Please note that
you should consider getting tickets in advance or show-up early if you are a non-member. This may
save you having to wait for a 2-3 hours. Plan to spend the full day.
Assignment Expectations:
You will need to take tour notes on all the major marine exhibits. For example, describe the habitats
and where they are found in the world. Include the common and scientific names of few (3) animals
you found interesting at each exhibit. Include interesting facts you learn throughout. These notes will
be submitted along with a research essay. Include your ticket stub with your notes.
For the research essay, you will need to decide on a particular marine habitat or specific organism.
Perform some literature and/or internet research and write an essay about your choice. Use at least
three references and cite their information within the essay text. I expect 6 pages of double spaced text
in 12 point Times Roman font. Include the content listed under your subject choice below.
Habitat Option: Chose a habitat from those you were introduced to at the aquarium (e.g. saltmarsh
creek, coral reef, seagrass meadow, continental shelf, etc…). Write on the physical environment and
the biological communities that live within it. Give some detail on feeding relationships for major
primary producer, consumers and predators, or discuss human activities that impact/threaten habit loss.
GEOSC 40 (S06)
Extra Credit Options
Favourite Critter Option: Chose a creature of interest to you and write about its biology: habitat,
distribution, life cycle, adaptations to the environment, diet, predators, and human threat/impact.
Formal Paper on an Approved Topic
Topic Selection:
Given the interdisciplinary nature of oceanography and large number of dependent disciplines, like
marine archeology, it would be unfair to constrain you to a list limited to my biological interests.
Rather, I prefer to direct you to some marine science related homepages (journals, professional
societies, popular media sites) and have you browse for a topic. Bring me what you find interesting
and we can discuss related topics and the possible directions your paper may take you.
1) Oceanography (, the official magazine of The Oceanography Society.
Look over titles of recent volumes of the magazine to find current topics.
2) Aquanet ( has a good section on current news in marine science that may
inspire a topic.
3) The Missouri Botanical Gardens ( has basic overviews of shoreline,
temperate and tropical ecosystems. They introduce a variety of organisms and current issues.
4) Office of Naval Research, Science and Technology Focus (
covers many topics at an introductory level upon which you could build your term paper.
5) Marine Science News Network (
also has current issue that could lead you to a topic.
Writing Format Expectations:
You are expected to synthesize existing literature on your subject and properly cite your references
throughout the text and figures used in your term paper. I expect 12 pages of double spaced text in 12
point Times Roman font. Additional pages will be required for figures, tables, and reference list.
Please begin your paper with a preface to inform the reader of the general subject and what elements of
that subject you will pursue in detail. Use subheadings throughout the paper to clearly define subtopic
sections. Whenever possible, incorporate the presentation of figures (graphs, maps, pictures, etc…)
that illustrate points made in your text. Each figure should be numbered in sequential order of
presentation and cited in the text when its content is discussed. If you are unfamiliar with this format,
please see me for more detailed assistance. You should have a minimum of ten references for your
paper, and only five of these maybe web pages, the others must be from reference books or peer
reviewed publications (some of the latter may be downloadable from websites – cite the publication
not the website in this case).