Reilly Reader - Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution

Period 5 Reilly Reader Questions
Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution
Arnold Pacey – Asia and the Industrial Revolution
In what ways was Indian technology considered superior to the industrial revolution?
How did European products gain greater markets than those of India?
How does the author distinguish between capitalism and the industrial revolution?
Was India more industrially advanced than it was capitalistic?
Did the British conquest of India benefit more from capitalism, industry or something
Adam Smith –from The Wealth of Nations
1. What would Smith say to farmer or manufacturer who wanted to institute tariffs pr
quotas to limit the number of cheaper imports entering the country and to minimize
2. What would he say to a government official who wanted to protect an important
domestic industry?
3. What would he say to a worker who complains about low wages or boring work?
4. In his discussion of division of labor, what relationship does Smith see between the
development of a capitalistic market and the rise of industrial technology?
5. According to Smith, what is the relationship between money and industry and which is
more important?
6. What would Smith think about a “postindustrial” or “service” economy in which few
workers actually make products?
7. What would he think of a prosperous country that imported more than it exported?