Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Paris Consolidated School
Board of Education
Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 8, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Paris School Board of Education Meetings are now being recorded. To make arrangements to listen to the
full deliberations of the Board, please contact the District office at 859-2350.
1. Call to Order-The meeting was called to order by President Deanna Krumm at
6:38 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call- President Deanna Krumm, Vice-President Joan Hancock, Treasurer
Dennis Hrupka, Clerk Colleen Belmont, Member Mike Cavalenes and District
Administrator Roger Gahart were present for the meeting.
4. Approval of Agenda-Mr. Gahart requested that item #7 be moved to just before
item #13, and item #12B be moved to after item #4. A Cavalenes/Hancock motion
was made in support of this request. Motion carried 5-0.
12. B. Staffing 2013-2014
1.) Approval of Hire- Instructional Aide, Mrs. Beth Marecek-A
Belmont/Hancock motion was made to approve the hiring of Mrs. Marecek. Motion
carried 5-0. Mrs. Marecek was also present at the meeting to meet Board members
and to express her enthusiasm for the position.
5. Recognition of Awards- none
6. Approval of Board Minutes- The June 6 Board meeting minutes were approved
on a Belmont/Hancock motion. Motion carried 4-0 (Mr. Cavalenes abstained from
the vote since he was not present at the June 6 meetings). The July 2 and July 18
meeting minutes were approved on a Cavalenes/Hancock motion. Motion carried.
8. Correspondence-none
9. Comments from the Floor- none.
10. Reports
A. Treasurer’s Report-still with auditors
B. Administrator’s Report-
1) Registration for the upcoming school year was held today. Most families made it in
to register. Once again, the process ran smoothly and I thank Mrs. Klabunde, Mrs.
Dorn, and Mrs. Correa for their excellent work in organizing and running
2) Summer maintenance is right on schedule. Teachers have been in throughout the
summer and classrooms look great. Thanks to Mr. Pace, Mr. Schoenfeld, and Mrs.
Monson for their hard work during the summer in delivering a clean and beautiful
school for us.
3) As we are wrapping up the parking lot project, I wish to thank Mr. Brian Brown, Mr.
Doug Boss, and Mr. Casey Brown for donating their equipment and time in moving
tons of dirt for the back-fill. We also thank Mr. Jerry Berg and Mr. Jeff Badtke for
their donations of equipment for this project.
4) Kindergarten Orientation will be held on August 27th from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. This
PSO sponsored event is a super opportunity for our newest students to meet their
teacher and take a ride on a school bus prior to the first day of school. It is also a
chance for parents who are new to our school to network and meet fellow Paris
parents. Thank you to the PSO and Deb Hebior for organizing this neat event.
5) Thursday, August 29th, teachers report for inservice and Open House/Back to School
Night will be held from 5 until 7 pm on the evening of the 29th. At Open House,
students bring in their supplies and meet their new teachers so that on the first day of
school, we all hit the ground running with instruction and learning.
6) This year’s Panther Prowl will be held on Saturday, October 5th. We look forward to
this super family event and hope to see everyone here.
7) I am very excited to welcome Mrs. Carol Knudson, our new librarian, Mr. Eric Vos,
our new middle school Social Studies teacher, and Mrs. Heather Kozlowski, our new
Psychologist, to the Paris staff. We are fortunate to be adding these top professionals
to our team and we all look forward to working with them.
8) On Tuesday, September 3, we are back in business, as students report for the first day
of school. We are all extremely excited about the upcoming school year and can’t
until our halls and classrooms are once again filled with the smiling faces of our
eager learners.
11. Discussion
A. 2013-2014 Budget-The Board will need another work session to discuss the
budget. Mr. Gahart shared that there were several unexpected new residents at
registration. The new Speech/Language position will be added to the base wage
calculation. Mr. Cavalenes suggested that we might have a new revenue limit
prepared by Ms. Lisa Voisin at Baird.
B. Teacher Compensation for 2013-2014 School Year- Again another work session
is needed, and the budget will need more finalizing before decisions can be made. Mr.
Hrupka will put together a spreadsheet that shows how numbers will fall with the
given scenarios (compensation for longevity in 5-year increments, completion of
Masters program and Initial Educator PDP,) with percentages and with set amounts.
C. 2012-2013 Seclusion & Restraint Report-Act 125 requires that an annual report
be given to the Board about any instances that occur. There were no instances of
seclusion or restraint at Paris School this past year.
D. Future Board Meeting & Work Session Scheduling
1.) August Work Session-A work session was set for Monday, August 26, at 6 p.m.
2.) September Work Session –TBD
12. Action
A. Personnel-Staff Retirements/Resignations-none
C. Policy Revision-322 School Day/Calendar—First Reading- A
Cavalenes/Hancock motion was made to approve the amended Policy 322 School
Day/Calendar—First Reading to remove reference to SPEAK. Motion carried 5-0.
D. Approval of District Annual Meeting/Budget Hearing Mailer-. A
Cavalenes/Hancock motion was made that the Board send out a mailer announcing
the Annual Meeting and budget versus putting the notice in the newspaper. Motion
carried 5-0. The newsletter will also include information about all that is new at Paris
School (new parking lot, technology initiative, PSO events, the new walking path
donated by the Paris School Foundation, final payments to the Town of Paris this
year). Mailers need to be received 15 days before the annual meeting
7. Approve Payment of Bills-A Cavalenes/Hancock motion was made to approve bills
totaling $148,809.18. Motion carried 5-0.
13. Adjournment-At 8:50 p.m. a Cavalenes/Hancock motion was made to adjourn the
meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Belmont, Clerk
Board of Education