
Quiz Questions
In class review
Chapter 4
 The
three phases of business processes
re-engineering are?
 A. Ideas, technology, people
 B. Unfreezing, changing, refreezing
 C. Rethink, redesign, retool
 D. Job analysis, job descriptions, job
Chapter 4
Kathleen is suffering from high blood pressure, although she has a
healthy lifestyle. When she talks with her co-workers, she finds that
a number of them have high blood pressure and other stress-related
medical problems. It is possible that the medical health of the
employees and the company’s cost in health benefits would be
improved with?
Outsourcing these jobs to eliminate these unhealthy workers
Enriching the jobs in this department
Introducing flexible scheduling
Examining the job design in this department
Chapter 4
 The
ability to do an entire unit of work from
start to finish is called job identity, and its
presence contributes to the worker’s_____
the job.
 A. Knowledge of results of
 B. Experienced meaningfulness of
 C. Experienced responsibility for
 D. Sense of autonomy over
Chapter 4
All of the following are reasons to use the competencybased approach to job analysis EXCEPT?
A. Communicate valued behaviors
B. Raise competency levels
C. Emphasize people’s capabilities for enhancing the
competitive advantage of the organization
D. To have a sound legal precedent for job related
decisions about employees
Chapter 4
 The
Americans with Disabilities Act calls
the fundamental duties of the position that
an individual with a disabiltiy holds or
desires ______.
 A. Essential job functions
 B. Knowledge, skills, and abilities
 C. Critical job elements
 D. Job specifications
Chapter 4
A _________ is a grouping of tasks,
duties and responsibilities that
constitutes the total work assignment for
Essential function
Job specification
Job design
Chapter 4
A major limitation of the interview method
of job analysis is that it is _________.
Less accurate than other methods
Very time consuming
Too subjective
A very complex process
Chapter 4
The essential functions and duties section of a
job description should contain clear and precise
statements on the _______.
A. Tasks, duties, and responsibilities performed
B. Qualifications needed to do the job
C. Conditions in which the work is performed
D. Mental and physical requirements of the job
Chapter 4
Which of the following is the BEST example of an essential
job function for a senior shipping specialist in an
operations department?
Supervise shipping staff to ensure that procedures are
Oversee the use of the company van when needed.
Accompany HR personnel at local recruiting fairs.
Encourage shipping staff to participate in company
sponsored retirement planning.
Chapter 4
Which of the following is an example of a
knowledge requirement? (Sales job)
A. Managing time effectively
B. Overcoming customer resistance
C. Maintaining good relations with
D. Identifying product features and benefits
Chapter 4
 Which
of the following is an example of a
skill requirement?
 A. Understanding product advantages
 B. Demonstrating product features
 C. Knowing government procurement
 D. Listing major competitors
Chapter 4
 Which
of the following is an example of an
ability requirement?
 A. Questioning for prospect need
 B. Maintaining friendly relations with
 C. Presenting proposals to decision
 D. Analyzing territory for market potential
Chapter 4
The PRIMARY purpose of a work log is to?
A. Compute the average time needed for key
B. Identify patterns that translate into job
C. Determine the attitude of incumbents toward
the job
Help supervisors rank employees’ efficiency
Chapter 4
 Which
of the following is NOT included in
a job description?
 A. Primary duties and responsibilities
 B. Activities performed
 C. Rate of pay
 D. Working conditions