Read Summary - AFREPREN/FWD

Renewable Energy-Potential, Markets and
Case Studies of Successful Initiatives
Stephen Karekezi and Waeni Kithyoma
Nairobi ,Kenya
Introduction to the study
Overview of energy sector in Africa
Potential and Status of Renewables in Africa
Success stories of renewable energy in Africa
 Geothermal in Kenya
 Wind in North Africa
 Biogas in Ghana
 Cogeneration in Mauritius
 KCJ Improved Cookstove
• Lessons Learnt
• Recommendations
• Study commissioned by REN21/GTZ
• Objectives
– Demonstrate Africa’s vast renewable energy (RE) potential
– Based on case examples, identify existing barriers that impede RE
– Advocate proven approaches, strategies and policy measures for
scaling-up renewables
• Inputs
– Regional papers (East Africa, North Africa, Sahel, West Africa and
Southern Africa)
– Experts Meeting: Representatives from Uganda, Ghana and Kenya
with wide variety of expertise (engineering, economics, law) and
experience (academic, government, NGO and private sector)
– External reviewers: Representatives from Malaysia/India, USA,
UK/Algeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa
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