Uploaded by James Bailey

Raising money to end violence against women text

Yep, you heard me right. I’ll be running 217 miles over 2 months, equivalent to more
than one marathon every week. I’ll do it in sun, and I’ll do it in rain. But most of all, I’ll
be doing it for a truly important cause that should matter to every person (especially
men) – keeping women safe.
Why 217 miles? Well because in 2019, men were responsible for the murders of 217
females (the highest number of the last decade). This is unacceptable and as men
it’s our responsibility to do more to combat this, to be better allies to our female
counterparts. These could have been our sisters, mums, aunts, daughters, nieces,
friends. For some people, sadly, they were. And, when we think about wider issues
of sexual assault and toxic masculinity, at least 97% of women have experienced
these. It has to stop.
Therefore, between 29th March 2021 – 29th May 2021 (2 months) I will be running a
mile for each life taken in 2019 due to issues like toxic masculinity and systemic
gender inequalities. It’s time to end violence against women.
To make sure this has an impact, I’ll be fundraising 50/50 for two incredible charities:
1) White Ribbon - A leading UK charity engaging with men and boys to end
violence against women. They act as a catalyst, encouraging people,
especially men and boys, to individually and collectively take action, changing
behaviour through their programmes and talks.
2) Rising Sun Domestic Violence & Abuse Service – Led by the wonderful
Fran Ellis and her dedicated team, Rising Sun has been committed for over
40 years to addressing domestic violence and abuse against women. They
provide crucial services that help keep them safe while challenging attitudes
and beliefs that perpetuate these issues.
Finally, a call to all my fellow men.
Too often campaigns focused on these issues are created by women, led by women
and fundraised by women. However, the onus shouldn’t be on them. As men, we
need to actively choose to be part of the solution to a problem that we are
intrinsically linked to. It’s not enough to say we know it’s wrong – we need to do what
is right. Therefore, while I would love anyone (regardless of gender) to get involved, I
am calling upon every single of one my male counterparts to step up to the task, by
donating to these amazing causes and/or by joining me for a portion of a run (can be
as short as you’d like). Let me know if you’re interested.
Let’s raise awareness, let’s raise money and men… let’s raise the standard.
Fundraising link below: