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Poison pill
Hostile takeover
Entity C, a new entity, is
formed and Entity C transfers
cash to Entity A and Entity B.
The two important elements in the definition of business
combination under PFRS 3 are “business and combination.”
Entity A acquires all the identifiable assets and assumes all the
liabilities of Entity B for P100. Entity B’s identifiable assets and
liabilities have fair values of P200 and P120, respectively.
Entity A incurred legal fees of P20 in negotiating the business
combination. The goodwill is P40.
Company A has made an offer to purchase all of the outstanding
shares of Company B for P10 per share (the current market value
of the shares). In response to Company A’s offer, the
shareholders of Company B were given rights to purchase
additional shares at P8 per share. Which of the following tactics
was employed by Company B to prevent Company A from
acquiring control of Company B?
When a retail clothing store purchases a competitor in another
city, a vertical combination has occurred.
The only way to attain control over the net assets of another
entity is to purchase the net assets.
A vertical combination is one where the entities have a potential
buyer-seller relationship.
The defensive maneuver where a company buys stock from a
potential acquirer at a premium over the market price is called
which of the following?
The entity that obtains control in a business combination is called
the acquiree.
A poison pill is the term used to describe the issuance of a special
kind of convertible preferred stock to defer the acquisition of the
Able Ltd. Offers to buy shares from the existing shareholders of
Wei Co. at a premium price. The current management and board
of directors of Wei have let the Wei shareholders know that they
do not approve of this. This is an example of a(n);
Entity A and Entity B combined their business. The acquirer in the
business combination is not clearly identifiable. Which of the
following is not an indicator that Entity A is the acquirer?
Entity A acquires all the identifiable assets and assumes all the
liabilities of Entity B for P100. Entity B’s identifiable assets and
liabilities have fair values of P200 and P120, respectively.
Entity A estimates liquidation costs of P10 in exiting the business
activities of Entity B. The goodwill is P20.
If negotiation between management groups leads to a mutually
agreeable business combination, the process is called a friendly
Entity A acquires all the identifiable assets and assumes all the
liabilities of Entity B for P100. Entity B’s identifiable assets and
liabilities have fair value of P200 and P120, respectively.
Entity A is renting out a license to Entity B under an operating
lease. The terms of the lease compared with market terms are
favorable. The fair value of the dirrerential is P5. The goodwill is
Pac-man defense
Obtaining of control
It includes those that are
retained in the combined
Acquisition Method
Closing date
Company A marks a hostile takeover bid for control of Company
B. In response, Company B makes a counter-offer to purchase
shares from Company A’s shareholders. Which of the following
best describes Company B’s response?
The tender offer that is opposed by the acquiree management is
called hostile bid.
In an acquisition where the acquirer pays cash for the acquiree
assets, the book value of the acquirer increases.
This distinguishes a business combination from other types of
investment transactions.
When two entities competing in the same industry combine, it is
called a horizontal integration.
One way that a horizontal business combination can increase
sales for an entity is to expand into new product markets.
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the
consideration transferred in a business combination?
PFRS 3 requires all business combinations to be accounted for
using the
Conglomerate combinations are easy for the government to
challenge in court.
Noncontrolling interest are measures at fair value only.
Horizontal business combinations are likely to occur when
management is attempting to dominate a geographic segment of
the market.
According to PRFS 3, the acquisition date is normally the
PFRS 3 requires the use for the purchase method in accounting
for business combination
The entity that obtains control over another business in the
business combination is called the
The acquisition date in a business combination is normally the
closing date.
A vertical business combination generally involves companies
attempting to improve the efficiency of operations by purchasing
suppliers of inputs or purchasers of outputs.