Course Policies: Be Respectful

Professional Communication – Classroom Policies
Fall 2015
Course Policies:
You will succeed in this course if you follow five simple rules –
(1) Be Respectful – respect everyone in the room. No derogatory language towards anyone.
We do analyze arguments in this course – always be sure to attack ideas and not people.
(2) Be Prepared – make sure you’ve completed any assignments for the day.
(3) Be Punctual – Arrive on time everyday and notify me about project absences or
(4) Be Engaging – Express ideas, ask questions, pursue clarification.
(5) Do Not Be Disruptive – use laptops, phones, tablets, etc., only when expressly told that
you can. Do not interrupt others – learning requires focus.
All requirements outlined in the Student Conduct handbook will be expected of students.
Academic Integrity:
Academic honesty is an absolute necessity if you are to learn all that you can. Cheating, copying
another’s work, or having someone else do the work for you are actions which call for the most
severe academic and personal consequences. Never resort to dishonesty in order to make a
I will follow the Academic Integrity Policy of the district, included in the student handbook.
Cheating includes such acts as: copying during a test, sharing answers or test questions with
other students, copying information on any assignment in which an individual grade is given, or
plagiarizing. Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated in this class.
The district’s standards-based grading policy will be adhered to – please reference my syllabus
for a complete explanation. Students wishing to participate in the retesting and relearning process
should contact me as early as possible following the due date/return of their work.
Special Circumstances:
Should events arise that make meeting the above guidelines burdensome, students and parents
should feel free to communicate those needs to me – I will do my best within the interests of
district policy, school policy, and my classroom to enable a learning environment for all