

Instructor: Mrs. Natalie Schaublin

Voice Mail: 797-8663


I. Course Description/Overview

Money Management is a semester course worth .5 credit for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

This course is extremely beneficial for all students in understanding personal financial management. Students will use this course content in every facet of their daily lives

II. Course Content

Understanding employment from benefits to calculating net pay.

Plan and create a personal budget.

Explore banking services (checking, savings, credit cards)

Understand and prepare various income tax forms

Identify investment essentials and strategies

Identify and explain principles of risk management and insurance

Understand how credit works and explore credit records, credit laws

Research the advantages and disadvantages of bankruptcy

Identify various forms of housing (house, rental unit)

Explore a variety of ways to purchase/rent a vehicle (new or used)

III. Course Materials

Managing Your Personal Finances textbook, published by South-Western Publishing


Financial Peace School Curriculum Workbook

– Foundations in Personal Finance (will be kept in the classroom)

You will need a pencil, calculator and folder/binder to keep all of your papers in for this class.

IV. Course Policies

 Students are responsible for approaching me upon their return from an absence in order to schedule time for them to make up their work.

Bring all materials to class each day.

When using the computer lab, students are not to be using any type of software/internet program unless the teacher has given permission. THIS IS A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT –


 Profanity and cussing are not acceptable or tolerated in this class. When your classmates or the teacher are presenting, please do not talk!


 Homework for this class will vary. Some homework will consist of completing any assignments that you were not able to finish in class. Some reading assignments and studying for exams

 will be required as homework.

Students must be on time to class. They should be in the classroom when the bell rings. If a teacher from another class detains a student for any reason, a note must be brought from that teacher to excuse the tardy. After three tardies, a student is assigned a detention.

Student ID Internet Access – Students must have a school ID with an Internet sticker. You will not be able to participate in the class if you do not have permission to access the Internet.

Cheating – Students are expected to do their own work so that they can learn the material and the objectives of the lessons. Do not duplicate another student’s work. If you are caught cheating, you and the student you have copied off of will receive a zero on the entire assignment.

V. Grading Policy/Assessment

Grading Scale: 98-100 A+

92-97 A

68-69 D+

62-67 D

60-61 D-

0-59 F

90-91 A-

88-89 B+

82-87 B

81-80 B-

78-79 C+

72-77 C

70-71 C-

 Grading – Points are given for completed daily work, quizzes, tests and projects. The total points you earn will be averaged with the total points possible for a grading period. Once graded papers are returned to students, late papers will still be accep ted for ½ credit.

 Students’ grades and assignments will be posted on Power School and will be updated weekly.

Students and parents will be provided a password and ID number in order to log on to the program so that they can check grades or assignments at anytime.

Extra Help and Extra credit – Individualized help will always be made available along with extra credit opportunities. These will both be made available to students on an individual basis.

VI. Communication: I feel that communication between the parent and teacher is important for the success of the student. My e-mail address as well as my voice mail number appears on the first page of this syllabus for parents to contact me. E-mail is the best way to get in touch with me. I check my e-mail numerous times throughout the day and will quickly respond to your inquiry.

VII. Course Procedures

 I recognize that all students learn differently and at different paces. I am always willing to arrange time to work with students individually. Students will be encouraged to communicate with me when they feel extra help is needed.
