Research Paper Guidelines.doc

Los Angeles Mission College
Child Development 14 Bilingual – Bicultural Programs
Research Assignment Guidelines
Step #1: Choose a topic to focus your research on. Create a personal timeline for working on your
research assignment.
Topic Ideas:
-Parental Involvement
-Bilingual Education
-Analyze challenges for a child who is bilingual-bicultural
-Children of Immigration
-Poverty and Education
-Code Switching
Step #2: Think about the sources you will use to support the information presented in your research
Step #3: Begin your research. Visit the LAMC library. Find books, research journals and articles
that support your topic. Find at least 4 sources. Find research that is has been done between
Step #4: Read the research material you have compiled. Create an outline for your paper. Think
about your topic and list supporting evidence.
Step #5: Start Writing! Your writing should be well thought out. Paraphrase the content you find in
your sources. Remember, this paper is not based on your opinion. State your topic and use
evidence you have found in your research to support it. You may use quotes if there is no possible
way to paraphrase the content. Remember to use proper format when using quotes to cite others
work (use page numbers when citing material).
Step #6: Visit the Child Development Resource Center. Have a tutor proofread your work.
Proofread your work again before you submit it.
Writing Format:
-All papers submitted must be typed.
-Create a Title Page: Include your research topic, your name, and the name of the school
(Los Angeles Mission College)
-Use 12 size font, black ink only, on white paper
-Double space
-Left align your paper
-Using “clip art” or pictures is not acceptable
-Create a bibliography at the end of your paper to cite all your work
-The body of your paper should be a minimum of 4 pages in length. This does not include the title
page or the bibliography.
-Your paper should be stapled neatly when submitted.
-Describe background information on the subject.
-Statistics on the subject.
-What have been the challenges?
-What resources are available to those encountering this situation?
-What community agencies help people affected by this situation?
-Create a PowerPoint Slide to discuss each content area
Please Note:
-Emailing your assignment to the instructor as an attachment is not acceptable.
(Unless it has been discussed/approved in advance).
-If you do not have access to a computer or printer, see me in advance so I can assist you in gaining
access to a computer.
-Papers may be submitted written in Spanish: Spelling and Grammar must be correct.
Grading Rubric:
Includes all
Includes all
-Describe background information
on the subject.
-Statistics on the subject.
-What have been the challenges?
-What resources are available to
those encountering this situation?
-What community agencies help
people affected by this situation?
-Describe background information
on the subject.
-Statistics on the subject.
-What have been the challenges?
-What resources are available to
those encountering this situation?
-What community agencies help
people affected by this situation?
There are no spelling
Length of Assignment Assignment is over 4
pages in length
Oral Presentation
Very well organized;
With PowerPoint
5 Slides
There are one or two
Assignment is 4 pages
in length
Well organized;
With PowerPoint
5 Slides
Grading for Research Paper:
Submitted on Time:
___/10 points
___/10 points
___/10 points
Length of Assignment:
___/10 points
___/10 points
Total points earned:
___/50 points
Needs Improvement
Includes 1 or no
There are major
spelling errors
Assignment is less than
2 pages in length
Not well organized;
No PowerPoint