Essay 2: Review/Evaluative Essay due 11/4

Essay #2: Review of a Product, Place, or Creative Work
Directions: Write a three page review in which you evaluate and analyze a subject that you
choose using a clear set of criteria and supporting your opinion with well thought out reasons,
analysis, and descriptive details in your paragraphs.
Possible Subjects Review:
 A film
 A TV show
 A book
 A musical album
 A restaurant or other business
 A product (such as a vacuum cleaner or a specific type of toothpaste)
Purpose: An essay that fulfills its purpose will do these three things:
1. Have a thesis that makes a clear claim about the subject of the review.
2. Describe the subject of the review fully and completely so that even a reader who has not
experienced it can understand your points.
3. Explain the criteria for evaluation you are using and how the subject of your review
fulfills those criteria.
Length: 3 pages. This means that your essay must be at least to the bottom of the third page
when it is formatted correctly. (See your syllabus for my formatting requirements.)
Use our class readings as models. We will be reading a variety of reviews as we progress
through this section of the class. Also, I encourage you to read reviews of subjects you enjoy on
your own time. What do these writers do that might work for you?
Questions to Consider:
 What are the qualities that make your subject noteworthy? (Why might people be
interested in your subject?)
 How does your subject compare to other similar subjects? Is it better? Worse? What
makes it unique?
 Does your subject do anything especially well? Especially poorly?
 Who is your audience? Who might want to know about whether or not your subject is
worth their time/money?
Due Dates:
Rough Draft due Friday, 10/17 (upload to folder on turnitin by 11:59 PM)
Comments on Peer Essays Due Tuesday,
10/21 at beginning of class on turnitin.
Optional Revised Rough Draft due to turnitin at 11:59 PM on Friday, 10/24
Final Draft due Tuesday, 11/4 at beginning of class on turnitin