Program Assessment Report (Practical Nursing Certificate) (2011)

Program Assessment Report
(Practical Nursing Certificate)
North Central State College Mission Statement:
To provide quality, responsive, lifelong learning opportunities, including occupational, degree and other
educational programs for individuals, business and industry, and the communities we serve.
Program Mission Statement:
Core Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome
Assessment Procedures & Criteria
Assessment Results
Written Communication*
100% of PN graduates will
successfully pass English 101
100% of all PN graduates have passed
English 101
90% of PN students will pass an
evaluation of an oral presentation
in Trends in Practical Nursing
(PNR144) using the Speech Across
the Curriculum (SpAC)rubric with
a score of 75 or higher
90% of PN graduates passed an oral
presentation evaluation in the PNR144
course using the SpAC rubric with a
score of 75 or higher
Use of Results
Faculty review results to make
adjustments in course assignments to
better evaluate learning outcomes
Information Literacy*
Critical Thinking*
Computation Proficiency**
90% of graduates and employers
Over 90% of the graduates and
will agree that the PN graduate is
employers agree that the PN graduate
able to critically think
is able to critically think
All PN students will submit a
100% of PN graduates have successfully
report on cultural diversity in their
incorporated principles of cultural
first level classes .
diversity into their care of patients
from diverse cultural and
socioeconomic areas
90% of PN students will pass a
90% of PN students passed the dosage
dosage calculation test in PNR 142
calculation test in PNR 142
*Rubrics are available on the Assessment of Student Learning Committee web site at These rubrics may
be used as is or modified, or another rubric or assessment method may be substituted. **After semester conversion, programs should report assessment results from the
highest college math course in the curriculum (comprehensive final exam scores) as well assessment results that occur in non-math program courses where computation is
considered to be important to the technology/profession (e.g. drug calculations in a nursing curriculum).
Program-Level Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome
Assessment Procedures & Criteria
Assessment Results
Use of Results
85% or better of graduates
surveyed will agree that they
function as a health team member
under appropriate supervision
100% of Graduate survey responders
from the Winter 2010 graduating class
rated the ability to meet the program
objectives at effective or higher
All learning outcome results are
incorporated into the Ohio Board of
Nursing annual report and site
approval visit to evaluate program
effectiveness. Faculty review returned
surveys and use the data to revise
curriculum, if indicated.
90% or better of employers will
agree that this outcome is met
Employer surveys from 2010 rate at
least a 90% agreement that all program
outcomes have been met
90% or better of employers will
agree that this outcome is met
Employer surveys from 2010 rate at
least a 90% agreement that all program
outcomes have been met
90% or better of employers will
agree that this outcome is met
Employer surveys from 2010 rate at
least a 90% agreement that all program
outcomes have been met
90% or better of employers will
agree that this outcome is met
Employer surveys from 2010 rate at
least a 90% agreement that all program
outcomes have been met
85% or better of graduates will
pass the licensure exam on the
first attempt
The 2010 licensure pass rate was 95%
1. Function as a health
team member under
appropriate supervision
2. Utilizes the nursing
process when assisting the
patient/client to reach
optimal state of wellness
throughout the life span
3.Safely performs technical
procedures based on
knowledge of scientific and
humanistic principles
4. Utilizes various
communication methods
in maintaining
relationships with patients,
families, and coworkers
5. Adjusts to changes
occurring in society in
relation to health care
6. Incorporates knowledge
of legal responsibilities and
individual limitations in
nursing practice
This demonstrates that graduates
have achieved minimal competencies
as beginning practitioners, it is one
measure of program success.