Earth Science Teaching Certification Minor Name

Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences
Teaching Certification Minor
Degree Services
Registrar’s Office
Earth Science
Name (please print): ____________________________________________________________________________
Student Number: ___________________________
Primary Major:_____________________________ Expected Major Completion Term: __________________
Required Courses – 17 credits
Elective Courses – 3-4 credits
_____ GE 2000 Understanding the Earth (3)
_____ GE 2300 Earth Materials I: Mineralogy (3)
_____ GE 2100 Environmental Geology (3)
_____ GE 2310 Earth Materials II: Rocks and
Mineral Resources (3)
_____ GE 2500 Intro to Oceanography (3)
_____ GE 2640 Atmospheric Observations and
Meteorology (3)
_____ GE 3320 Earth History and Paleoclimatology (3)
_____ PH 1600 Introductory Astronomy (2)
_____ GE 2900 Geology of Utah’s National Parks (3)
_____ GE 4100 Geomorphology and Glacial
Geology (4)
_____ GE 4150 Natural Hazards (3)
Minimum Credits Required = 20
Total Credits Completed _______
Courses listed in this minor have the following prerequisites (shown in parenthesis). Concurrency is illustrated by the letter C:
GE3320 (GE2000 or GE2100), GE2310 (GE2000), GE4100 (GE2000), GE4150 ((GE2000 or GE2100) and UN2002)
Dept. of Cognitive & Learning Sci. Certification Officer
Academic Year 2009-10