Leuchtenberger, Sarah Moore, Jill Nealey-Moore, Lori Ricigliano, Don... Wade and Bianca Wolf. Academic Standards Committee Meeting

Posted 2013-03-12
Academic Standards Committee Meeting
February 13, 2013
In Attendance: Debbie Chee, Ken Clark, Karl Fields, Duane Hulbert, Jim Jasinski, Danny Laesch, Jan
Leuchtenberger, Sarah Moore, Jill Nealey-Moore, Lori Ricigliano, Don Share, Brad Tomhave, Landon
Wade and Bianca Wolf.
Approval of Minutes
The December 6, 2012 and January 30th minutes were both approved after minor revisions. Both will be
forwarded to facultycoms and Don Share.
Petitions for the Period 01/24/2013 to 02/06/2013
The Petitions Sub-Committee held meetings on January 30 and on February 6 and petitions work yielded
the following results:
6 Approved Late Registrations
1 Denied Late Registration
2 Approved Readmissions or Reinstatements
17 Approved Registrations with a Schedule Conflict
1 Approved Medical Withdrawal
1 Approved Waiver of Minimum GPA Required for Independent Study
1 Approved Regular Course as an Independent Study
21 Total Petitions
Registrar Approved: 5
Preview Team Approved: 9
Sub-Committee Approved: 14
Total Approved: 28
Sub-Committee Denied: 1
Total Petitions: 29
For the year to date, 163 petitions have been acted upon with 24 involving late registration and 57
involving registration with a schedule conflict. (For comparison, by February 7, 2012, 147 petitions had
been acted upon with 36 involving late registration and 29 involving registration with a schedule
Of the 163 total petitions to date, 144 have been approved and 19 have been denied.
Proposed Revisions to Charges and Issues under Consideration
The committee discussed the following adjustments to the agenda of scheduled charges for this
Common Hour and Class Schedule: Given the overwhelming responsibilities of the Office of the
Registrar with the ongoing PeopleSoft transition, it was concluded that this item be taken off the
agenda for this semester. Don Share will notify the Faculty Senate.
Posted 2013-03-12
Close Group Discussion: Debbie Chee recommended that the committee reconsider the current
policy for sanctioning students falling into the “Close Group.” She indicated our policies for
warning and dismissal sometimes have the effect of allowing students to enroll for subsequent
terms despite academic performance that is, overall, not satisfactory and that it may be wise to
consider acting or warning the students earlier. The committee agreed to add this to the spring
semester agenda.
Discussion of Student Bereavement Policy
The committee discussed the excellent report and draft policy prepared by Debbie Chee and Lori
Ricigliano. Discussion included the following points:
 The draft was drawn from a variety of models and discussions with Mike Segawa and
others. Many private schools do not have a policy.
 The committee also received a letter from the ASUPS Senate in support of the
bereavement policy.
 Concerns about spelling out a policy (it was noted that many smaller, private schools do
not have a policy) were weighed against the value of standardizing a policy and
providing equitable handling for all students. A written policy sends a message to
students and their families of institutional support, while still giving individual faculty
leeway in establishing specific policies. It was suggested that the need for the policy
outweighs the risk of abuse.
 It was suggested that the definition of a “family” be clarified and that the term
“immediate” be removed.
 Much discussion concerned the specification of number of days of excused absences
associated with bereavement: three classes over five consecutive days? Up to five days?
 It was suggested that “meet with faculty” be replaced with “communicate with faculty.”
 It was suggested that the “appeal” paragraph be removed and replaced with a brief
 Some concern was raised about the need for documentation and if there should be
some flexibility on this matter.
Don Share charged Lori Ricigliano and Debbie Chee to return next meeting with a revised draft for
circulation and consideration.
Items for Next Meeting
Don Share proposed that the committee consider the following matters in its next meeting:
 Maggie Mittuch’s comments on Concurrent Baccalaureate Degrees
 Lori and Debbie’s revised draft of a Student Bereavement Policy
 Close Group sanctioning policy
Don Share moved that the meeting adjourn. Ken Clark seconded the motion.
Minutes taken by Karl Fields