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FSM 6100
Supplement No.: 6100-97-1
Effective Date: February 25, 1997
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Forest Supervisor
Date Approved: 02/25/97
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post
by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this
transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was
Supplement No. 44 to FSM 6140
New Document
6141.02 – 6141.11
9 Pages
Superseded Document(s)
(Supplement Number and
Effective Date)
6141.02 – 6141.26a--5
7 Pages
6141.1 – Adds direction for the second 40 hours of supervisory training.
6141.11 – Revises the direction in Tonto Supplement No. 44 fro requesting, approving and
paying for employee training and shows the changes from OPM to USDA Graduate school as the
government training school. All training is paid by the Forest; no longer use the NFC address for
USDA Graduate School training. A copy of the FS-182 is no longer sent to Personnel
EFFECTIVE: 2/25/97
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6141.02 - Objectives
1. To maintain and improve each employee's ability to meet the standards of
performance applicable to the principal duties and responsibilities of the position to which
2. To train or broaden work experience to accomplish the next realistic step in his or her
3. To develop and maintain necessary qualifications in areas outside normal line of duty.
6141.03 - Policy
1. The Forest Personnel Officer/Coordinator duties will be:
a. Maintain current training catalogs and schedules for R-3 courses to Tonto sub-units.
b. Coordinate scheduling and implementation of courses contracted by the Forest.
c. Assist Districts and S.O. Staff in searching out available training.
d. Advise on the need for processing Form SF-182.
2. Training cost will be identified in all planning efforts, i.e., long range program
planning, short range program planning, and project planning. Cost of training will not be used
as the primary reason in setting training priorities; however, it is a factor to be considered,
especially in seeking alternative ways to accomplish needed results. Once training needs are
identified, there may be several different ways to accomplish it: On the job training (this will
work if properly planned and documented), correspondence, cross training or formal training.
3. S.O. Group Leaders will coordinate Regional training and workshops in their
functional area. Courses requiring submission of consolidated nominations to the Regional
Office will be coordinated by S.O. Personnel, who will notify employees and provide a due date
for nominations. Check with the S.O. training clerk to insure how to handle consolidated
nominations. All other training and workshops should be handled by individual units, including
approvals, arrangements to attend, and cancellations.
6141.1 - Employee Development Requirements
1. Employee career development needs shall be determined by the employee and the
work supervisor within the established Forest policy.
2. Training plans shall be developed annually for all continuing employees in connection
with the Performance Evaluation on FS-6100-2.
3. Within 30 days of new assignments or reassignments, work supervisors will review
and complete a new training plan, if needed.
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4. Training accomplishments will be documented on the individual's training plan by the
work supervisor. Appropriate training forms will be completed for all training with tuition costs
or training in excess of 40 hours.
5. Supervisors will be responsible to see that formal training (non-government facilities)
will not exceed 80 hours per training year. If excess of 80 hours is desired, justification for the
additional training will need approval of the Forest Supervisor. Employees are required to
remain in Government service and sign the service agreement on the reverse of the SF-182 (see
Exhibit 01).
6. District Rangers and Group Leaders are authorized to approve non-management
training, not restricted under item #5 above, (both formal and non-formal) for all their employees
up to 240 hours.
7. Employees serving on a Supervisory/Managerial Probationary Period for the first year
are required to receive 80 hours of training, including a minimum of 40 hours of formal training
in supervision within the 12-month probationary period and training in the Employee Assistance
Program. The second 40 hours should consist of training and developmental experiences
relevant to the needs of the individual employee.
8. Employees unsure or unaware of career paths or training necessary to achieve career
goals should initiate career counseling sessions first with their immediate supervisor. If the
supervisor determines more in-depth information is required to ensure employee's needs are met
and will lead to desired goals, the employee may contact the Personnel Management Specialist
or Personnel Officer for career counseling.
6141.11 - Form SF-182, Request, Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training.
1. SF-182's are required only when training exceeds 40 hours or has a tuition. Training
hosted by the Region Three Learning Opportunity Guide (LOG) may have tuition costs;
however, an inservice authorization may be completed in-lieu of a SF-182. Contact Budget and
Finance for these procedures. The responsibility for initiating the SF-182 rests with the trainee.
A designated person on the District or the employee will notify vendors of nominations via
telephone and/or by submission of a copy of the SF-182 directly to the vendor.
2. SF-182's will be submitted for supervisory approval in advance of the actual training.
For USDA Graduate School courses, submit an SF-182 six weeks in advance. Other training
requests should be submitted approximately 30 days in advance or immediately if shorter
turnaround times occur.
3. When training courses call for payment of tuition or registration fees, payment can be
handled in the following manner:
(a) When registration or tuition payment is required in advance, the SF-182 is prepared and becomes
the Purchase Order. Section E (Approval and Concurrence), Block 29a must be signed by the
District Ranger, Forest Supervisor, Deputy Forest Supervisor or SO Group Leader. Appropriate
accounting data must be entered in Blocks 21 and 22 (Appropriation/Fund). Block 25 must indicate
the Tonto National Forest address.
(b) For non-government (i.e., non-Federal) courses where tuition and registration fees amount to $25
or less, the trainee will be required to pay the fee and be reimbursed on a travel voucher.
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4. Preparation and Completion of SF-182
a. Block
A. AG-11-5074.
B. Leave Blank.
C. "X" in Initial Block; in rare cases, block 2 will be "x"ed.
b. Section A - Trainee Information
(1) Name (last, first, middle initial). Shaded area is self-explanatory.
(2) Type social security number in shaded area.
(3) Leave blank.
(4) Leave blank.
(5) Leave blank.
(6) (a) "x" if trainee is non-supervisor.
(b) "x" if trainee is supervisor.
(c) "x" if District Rangers, SO Group Leader, etc.
(d) None of these on Forest.
(7) Always
USDA, FS, Tonto NF
2324 E. McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85006
(8) Self-explanatory (District number or SO number/extension).
(9/10) Complete for long-term non-government training only.
(11) Official title and function (timber, fire, range, etc.)
(11b) Complete, if appropriate.
(12) Pay plan, Series, Grade and Step.
(13) Leave blank.
(14) Leave blank.
c. Section B - Training Course Data
(15a) Complete name and address of vendor.
(15b) If training is at same place as "vendor", mark "x" in block. If training is at a
different place than address of vendor, indicate city and state in space.
(16) Exact title of course and objectives - "Objectives" means benefits derived by
the government as a result of training this employee.
(17) USDA Graduate School courses only.
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(18a,b) Indicate year, month, day (90 02 02) - always use two digits.
(19a) Always use 4 digits (0008).
(20a) Purpose. Code as follows:
1. Mission or program change
2. New technology
3. New work assignment
4. Improve present performance
5. Meet future staffing needs
6. Develop unavailable skills
7. Trade or craft apprenticeship
8. Orientation
9. Adult basic education
(20b) Type. Complete for USDA Graduate School courses only:
1. Executive and Management
2. Supervisory
3. Legal, Medical, Scientific, or Engineering
4. Administration and analysis
5. Specialty and Technical
6. Clerical
7. Trade or craft
8. Orientation
9. Adult basic education
(20c) Source. Code as follows:
1. Government-Agency
2. Government-Interagency
3. Non-government-Designed for agency
4. Non-government-Off-shelf
5. State or local government
(20d) Special Interest. Code as follows:
0. No special program
1. Executive development
2. Supervision
d. Section C - Estimated Costs and Billing Information
(21) Complete items as necessary - insert Management Code.
(22) Same as above (money items can be rounded to the next dollar).
(23) Leave blank.
(24) Always 12-40-0001
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(25) Always
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Tonto National Forest
2324 E. McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85006
e. Section D - Approvals and Section E - Approvals/Concurrence
(26a) Immediate supervisor, typed name, title and telephone
(26b) Immediate supervisor's signature.
(27a) Second-line supervisor, if necessary, typed name, title and telephone number.
(27b) Second-line supervisor's signature, if necessary.
(28) Leave blank.
(29a) Forest Supervisor, Deputy Forest Supervisor, SO Group Leader, or District
Ranger, typed name, title and telephone number.
(29b) Signature of one listed in 29a above.
COMPLETE BLOCKS 26a, 26b, 27a, or 27b.
f. Section F - Certification of Training Completion
Block 30 to be certified after training is completed. The supervisor needs to discuss
with the employee the following points:
Comments on strong points of the course
Comments on weak points of the course
What were your objectives in taking this course. Were they met?
Do you recommend this program for others? If so, whom?
(30a) Immediate supervisor or acting, typed name, title and telephone number.
(30b) Immediate supervisor's or acting's signature.
5. Distribution of SF-182. The following explains the distribution of all copies of the
Employee or designated district employee immediately submits a copy of the
completed (signed/approved in block 29a) SF-182 to the vendor and a copy to the
person responsible for obligating funds (District = BMO; Supervisor's Office =
The employee retains the original SF-182. When employee has successfully
completed the course, the supervisor certifies completion by signing block 30.
A copy is forwarded to the person responsible for payments.
A copy may be maintained by the supervisor, if necessary.
Personnel Management does not need a copy of the SF-182.
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FOR 6141.11, EXHIBIT 01
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SF-182 (Back) (12/79)
NOTE: This agreement must be signed by the nominee for all non-government training that exceeds 80 hours (or
such other designated period, 80 hours or less, as presecribed by the agency) and for which the Government
approves payment of training costs prior to the commencement of such training. Nothing contained below shall be
construed as limiting the authority of an agency to waive, in whole or in part, an obligation of an employee to pay
expenses incurred by the Government in connection with the training.
1. I AGREE that, upon completion of the Government-sponsored training described in this request, if I receive
salary covering the training period, I will serve in the agency three times the length of the training period. If I
receive no salary during the training period, I agree to serve the agency for a period equal to the length of training,
but in no case less than one month. (The length of part-time training is the number of hours spent in class or with
the instructor. The length of full-time training is eight hours for each day of training, up to a maximum of 40 hours
a week). NOTE: For the purposes of this agreement, the term "agency" refers to the employing organization (such
as an Executive Department or independent establishment), not to a segment of such an organization.
2. If I voluntarily leave the agency before completing the period of service agreed to in item 1 above, I AGREE to
reimburse the agency for the tuition and related fees, travel and other special expenses (EXCLUDING SALARY)
paid in connection with my training.
3. I FURTHER AGREE that, if I voluntarily leave the agency to enter the service of another Federal Agency or
other organization in any branch of the Government before completing the period of service agreed to in item 1
above, I will give my organization written notice of at least ten work days, during which time a determination
concerning reimbursement will be made. If during which time a determination concerning reimbursement will be
made. If I fail to give this advance notice, I AGREE to pay the amount of additional expenses (5 U.S.C. 4109(a)(2)
incurred by the Government in this training.
4. I understand that any amounts which may be due the agency as a result of any failure on my part to meet the
terms of this agreement may be withheld from any monies owed me by the Government, or may be recovered by
such other methods as are approved by law.
5. I FURTHER AGREE to obtain approval from my organization training officer and that person responsible for
authorizing non-government training requests of any proposed change in my approved training program involving
course and schedule changes, withdrawals or incompletions, and increased costs.
6. I acknowledge that this agreement does not in any way commit the Government to continue my employment. I
understand that, if there is a transfer of my service obligation to another Federal agency or other organization in any
branch of the Government, the agreements in items 1, 2, and 3 of this section will remain in effect until I have
completed my obligated service with that other agency or organization.
(For non-government training only) ----------------EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE