
How to write an
“One today is worth two tomorrows.”
Ben Franklin
When you write an introductory
paragraph, keep in mind that .
. .
Writing an introductory paragraph is
like greeting someone. The paragraph
should be short and to the point like
saying, “Hello!”
Also, you don’t want to get into the
meat of the essay. Simply give the
audience a concise idea of your essay’s
Remember that the introductory
paragraph . . .
Is the most important paragraph of the
 Needs to be at least 6 sentences long
 Needs to do three things
◦ Hook the reader with something interesting that is
connected to your overall topic
◦ Briefly introduce the story
◦ Cleary state your thesis/argument.
 What are you trying to prove?
Thesis Statements
Your thesis statement is the most
important part of your essay since it is the
statement you are trying to prove.
For your essay, your thesis statement
should include the THEME as well as the
LITERARY device you will be discussing.
Thesis Statements
Your thesis should use the following
Name of the story + literary device +
For example:
In “Just Lather, That’s All,” the author
uses characterization to illustrate the idea
that killing isn’t easy.
Thesis Statements
You try:
In ______________, the author uses
________________ to prove/illustrate the
idea that_________________________.
Intro Paragraph
The thesis statement is the last sentence
of your introduction.
First you need to have a hook, and a brief
summary of the story.
Let us consider
different types of
hooks. . .
General statement introduction (big
Introduce an idea to contradict
Quotation introduction
Question introduction
Examples of general statement
Almost every time that you turn on the
television you will find a number of shows
which are extremely violent.
Many public schools have decided that their
students should use uniforms.
In the United States of America the public
burning of our flag has become a common
(These are three different example of how you can
begin your paragraph. If you will notice in the first
sentence you simply introduce a topic that will be
considered throughout your paper.
Introduce and idea to contradict
In contemporary America, most people
believe that there is no such thing as a
perfect marriage. However, in Victorian
Norway, they did not hold the same beliefs.
Many people believe that they are outside the
influence of their society—they are
individuals shaped only by their own
personality. Henrik Isben’s A Doll’s House
suggests that everyone is far more shaped by
their society than they may realize.
Quotation introduction
A recent article in Time magazine states
that the viewing of extremely violent
television shows is the number one
cause of violence in our inner cities.
The Monitor recently conducted a study
and concluded that students in public
schools where uniforms are mandatory
have less problems and perform better
Examples of question introduction
Are you ever bothered by the excessive
violence on prime time television?
Do you think that to improve our public
school education the students should be
required to wear uniforms?
Brief Introduction of the story
After the hook, you need to have a brief
summary of the story.
This should be no more than 2 sentences.
For example:
In the story “Just Lather, That’s All”, a
rebel barber has to decide whether or not
to kill his enemy when he comes in for a
Quotation introduction
“Life…is composed of the most unpredictable, disparate,
and contradictory elements,” according to Guy de
Maupassant. “It is brutal, inconsequential, and
disconnected, full of inexplicable, illogical catastrophes”
(“The Writer’s Goal" 897). Utterly to the point with his
words, Guy de Maupassant’s fame as a writer stems from
his “direct and simple way” of telling readers what he
observed (Chopin 861). His short story, “The Necklace,” is
no exception. “The Necklace” is evidence of the literary
realism that dominated literature during the 19th century. In
“The Necklace,” Maupassant describes an unhappy woman,
born to a poor family and married to a poor husband, who
suffers “ceaselessly” from her lower-class lifestyle, “[…]
feeling herself born for all the delicacies and all the
luxuries” (Maupassant 524). Through the unfolding of the
plot and the exquisite characterization of Mathilde and her
husband, Maupassant offers readers a dramatic account of
what could happen when a person is not satisfied with her
place in life.
Be concise and to the point!
 Do not go into too much detail!
 You must do three things . . .
Introduce your story/book
Include a thesis that states your argument
and what you’re trying to prove
Final reminders !!!!